all materials on the 432hertz.com website are Copyright © 2009, © 2010 © 2011 © 2012 © 2013 © 2014 © 2015 by Ananda M.J.A. Bosman. All rights reserved
“The AUMega Music Revolution: AUMega Trance Vol. 1”
Driving Music to Charge You
432Hz • A=432 Hz • 432Hz Music
The very 1st Book on 432 Hz.
ANANDA BOSMAN’S NOTED ITALIAN BOOK ON THE A=432 Hz music revolution. Translated by Davide Lombardi (OmniONE), in 2006. With an Introduction by DJ ANDREA DORIA. DOWNLOAD HERE:
THE 1st
THE 2nd book on the 432Hz subject, by musician Riccardo Tristano Tuis (Archangel), published by NEXUS Magazine Italia.
This book is so thorough & complete in the A=432 Hz music science, & well researched.
A veritable GOLD POT for publishers in English. HERE
ANANDA wrote a detailed introduction for Riccardo’s book on A=432Hz. Read it here in its original form, NEXUS magazine Italy, cut it short.
Here is the TRUE original as it was written. Packed with interesting details on this harmonic music revolution.
The Article Summarizes & Combines Ananda Bosman’s 432 Hz Research with some additional Research of the Author, DJ Andrea Doria
Our Scientists have Measured that ONLY the FUL 432Hz & AUMega Harmonics come across in 44,100Khz/16bit (CD Quality) format or better (MUCH lost in MP3, it cuts out low frequencies including 8Hz... 70% or more is Lost).
432 Hz Music MUST be in the Highest Quality possible for macro coherence. Ananda’s Concert’s are at the ultra high quality 96,000Khz & 192,000Khz/24 bit.
Ananda Bosman Interviewed by Journalist Korinna A. Muller on the:
“New Universe & The A 432 Hz AUMega Music Revolution”
PARTS 1- 6:
A=432 Hz Universal Dances in PORTUGUESE
A 432 Hertz Music Article in FRENCH:
The 432 Hz archive was formally on the www.akasha.de/~aton website, from 2000AD onwards, until hacked in 2009. A=432 Hz Music With 256Hz Synergy
“A”-Tune at A=432Hz
= 440hz minus 32 cent
Join the A 432 Hz
Music Revolution
LA=432 HZ — A=432 HZ
Other Expressions: 432Hz 8Hz A 432 Hz music
432Hz Music 432Hertz music Equal Tempered 432 Hz Scientific Pitch musical tuning
A=432Hertz — LA=432Hertz
Please Link THIS SITE when quoting from its pages, including the Universal Dances page.
Or email us for fair use of materials
432 Hz Music that Imbibes the heart at the moment of compassionate love. peaking at 8Hz, with all 7 toroidal magnetic fields joining into one golden laser of love
See Also (since 2004): www.432hz.com... For more Arcane, Ontological, Eschatological, Philosophical & Spiritual Research & Visionary Articles of Ananda Bosman, see: http://anandabosman.com
The Article You Have All Been Waiting For will soon be posted. Stay “A”tuned.
The Overall Vision, Siginifance, Overview, Health & Creativity Inducing Potential, Sacred Geometry, Architecture of Creation — & The Future of the Music Movement tuned to 8Hz & 432Hz, as the Universal Language to Link Mankind Globally as a species attuning to the Heart of the Cosmos, Earth, Life & Self: in Gølden Coherence.
The 432HZ/8HZ Musical Revolution: Wellbeing & Transformation in Harmony with the Cosmos
Ananda Bosman in Co-Ordination with La-Plastique, Featuring ZU, & Marco Fincati.
Featuring a Saturday Night Concert of Ananda’s AUMega Psytrance 432 Hz Music, together with new 432Hz Songs from La Plastique. Ananda’s Multimedia graphic rich animated presentations will be upon a backset of his AUMbience & AUMedi Musical Sound Carpets
Over Two Days Ananda will present the 432Hz 8Hz AUMega Music Revolution & its Musical Effects on our Wellbeing, Vision of the Future for Universal Harmonic Music & Mankind in Harmony with the Cosmos!
Brand New cutting Edge Multimedia Animations showing the Music Architecture of Creation, Upon the Soundscaape of AUMbience and AUMedia Music carrying the presentations.
26 & 27 of September 2015 in San Marino/Italy (a Holiday Venue Site by Sea)
NEW: this exclusive and dynamic interview by Mel Fabregas of Sanitas Radio, freshly just aired in the USA and Worldwide (Late July 2015)
“Ananda Bosman - A=432Hz: The Original Musical Frequency of Healing & Well-Being”
Click on the following link to listen: http://www.sanitasradio.com/guests/2015/07jul/SR-150728-abosman.php
NOVEMBER 2014 Ananda Bosman’s NEW album DEEP STATE is NOW here. 4 years in the works, & FINALLY MASTERED, this quintessential work of deep music for traversing the meditation planes from Ananda is now available.
A completely different kind of music style, to Ananda’s Previous creations.
AUMbience of the Heart & AUMega Music Revolution are good for background energy, driving & charging.
Deep State is About Inner Voyage, and its Many Cascaded Landscapes Architectured in the 8Hz, 432Hz, and UFOM sacred ratios
This one is for deep states of consciousness & Meditation.
A double CD that takes you on a highly specific harmonic journey.
With deep touching melodies that sweep the soul encompassed in new sounds & effects on a myriad of scales.
Attuned & organized by Sacred Geometrical principles, & even more interrelations of 8Hz, 432Hz, & UFOM than ever before.
All at the coherent cardio rhythm tempo when the heart is in compassionate love in the ECG — 72PM. Its a new Experience. HERE for your Experience
SatyAMRtA is a new album Ananda Bosman has been creating in 2014, going into a completely new musical adventures... GOING WHERE ANANDA HAS NEVER GONE BEFORE, yet maintaining elegant simplicity, whilst applying even more of the golden harmonics...
Complementary to the Deep State style at 72BPM, joining the A=432 Hertz music tuning we expect from Ananda, there are surprises in store here. The packed full larger double CD, has been pre-released for an exclusive fan list (enquire).
Final NEW kind of Mastering in 2016/2017 Audio DVD.
Finally after 16 years, an Apple 432Hz application for Itunes in 432Hz. (Apple AAC, better than the music killing MP3. There will be audio loss in conversion. True 432Hz effect needs 44,100Khz/16 bit minimum {or better}) HERE
After 2 months BoOM 432Hz 1st mastering of the set is ready.
Psytrance 432Hz: The Psychedelic Trance 432Hz Music Revival! BoOM 432Hz
AUManoid & Ananda Bosman as SOMAGENESIS are working on a new A=432Hertz set tentatively called BoOM 432Hz “Entheos Essentials”
1st Time News — A=432 Hertz Music in Global Manifestation. 432 Hz Tuning the NEW Trance Music “‘Esoteric’ Tuning”. HERE
A=432Hz is becoming the NEW Music Tuning Standard: 432 Hz Tuned Artists World-Wide
NEW AUMEGA REVOLUTION ARTICLE JUICEY DETAILS from 2003 Finally ONLINE... Go to the New NEWS page, for Reviews, Reports, & Latest 432 Hertz NEWS.
Scientists, Musicians, & Mathematicians, from the Classical Music World, met at the Kamperton Symposium 432Hz
The December 21st 2012 Global 432Hz/8Hz Link-Up was a Success. Bravo to Everyone Sending Compassionate Love 8Hz Signals to the COSMOS on Behalf of Mankind, linked in 432Hz/8Hz Dance & Parties
For Evidence on Compassionate Love effecting biology, read the papers of HearthMath Institute, their objective studies.
For 8Hz the science papers of Dr. Andrija Puharich.
For the most Archaic & Post-Modern Mythos power of
432 & 432,000 HERE. Modern Myth in the Making
Now the Vision is manifesting as 100’s upon hundreds of musicians are meanwhile retuning to A=432 Hz.
A 432 HZ MUSIC REVOLUTION envisioned over 17 years ago by Ananda Bosman, founding the 1st historical popular Music tuned at A 432 hz, together with DJ NKI.
NOW the vision is manifesting, as HUNDREDS of new musicians are retuning their compositions to 432Hz!
UNIVERSAL DANCES 432HZ — The Most Plagiarised Article on the A=432 Hz Subject on the Web (2000-2001) Here & here. & the Original Site 2000-2001 HERE
Ananda Bosman, having first publicly spoken about the necessity of applying 8 Hz & 256/512 Hz harmonic music to rave music, in 1992, (432 Hz in 1994) — 15 years ago (2000AD), Ananda searching the internet for other pop musicians tuning to A=432 Hz, found a vacuum — there were no popular musicians tuned to 432 Hz on the web!!!
The first 432 Hz pop concerts were made in Berlin, in 2000 (held by Ananda Bosman, with DJ Nki and DJ Cybersnack, using the 1998 first compositions, hosted by Elraanis magazine; & then with Universal Dances 432Hz, I-II [Berlin, 2001-2002], followed by Universal Dances 432Hz, III Open Air [Switzerland 2003])SEE REFERENCES AT END
Calling ALL heARTists into Musical Manifestation of the A 432Hz Music Revolution
A Revolution is LOOMING.
The hundreds upon hundreds of musicians that are retuning to A=432 Hz, is the first glimmer of a new harmonic 432Hz Music Revolution that will transfigure musical culture on this planet, with HeART.
By tuning to 432 Hertz, Your music is Attuned to the Universal Coherent Heart Tune of Hydrogen (90% of universe & you), as tone C=8Hz. Which cascades in golden spiral octave cone binomially: 8-16-32Hz; C=64-128-256Hz. “Scientific Pitch has the “A”tone exactly between 427 and 435Hz, which is A=432Hz. It hits the complee harmonic musical spectrum of octaves, including such significant frequencies like 153Hz, 162Hz (Ø = 1.62; the universal constant e 2.72, as 272Hz, pi as 314 Hz, & golden tuning such as 144Hz, 108Hz, & 72Hz — Tune to the Symphony of Creation, life’s genetic code, & the HeArt of the matter
Are You Ready
to A-Tune to
A=432 Hz Music
&/Or Equal Tempering like 256/512Hz
With 8Hz
in the
AUMega Music Revolution?
Ananda Bosman is the leading headline of this issue of ‘Scienza & Conoscenza’, THE leading Science & Consciousness magazine in most Italian Newsagents.
Riccardo Tristano Tuis’ interview with Ananda is the feature 6-page article of this 32nd issue, on the pineal gland.
The AUMega Music Revolution’s 8hz and A 432 Hz, is implicated therein. 432 Hz Music makes every one Feel the Art.
Read it in Italian HERE
Heart of the Revolution: A=432 Hz Music — 432 Hz = 440 minus 32 cent
DJ NKI and Ananda are again in cooperation. Please visit HeartPHIre for NKI’s recent 432Hz advancements. OMEGA-432 Hz was first Initiated in Berlin by Ananda Bosman with DJ NKI & DJ Cybersnack. The first popular music electronic A=432 Hz OMEGA432Hz Party in 2000AD
ANANDA IS Working on several new A=432 Hz albums. A Psytrance Album; A new ambient album within the AUMbience series, and “Deep State: AUMedi-432Hz” is a new enhanced & deeper form of the hitherto AUMedi style of A 432 Hz music. AUMfolding. Joined by SatyAMRtA, a larger than double CD (Only available to fans)
A=432 Hz Music History Documenting Ananda’s Founding of Popular & Electronic Music in 432 Hz — Joining to already existing Classical 432Hz Music World
Elraanis magazine article by Ananda Bosman on "Universal Dances" & A=432 Hz, in 2000 AD
Universal Dances 432Hz 2002, Ananda Bosman:
Essential Keywords: A=432Hz A=432 Hertz 432hz PHI-Music 432hertz 432 8Hz 432 Hz 8 Hz 8 Hertz Golden Mean Music revolution A=432 Hz Music AUMega-432Hz Omega-432hz UFO Music Guitar & Keyboard Equal Tempering 256Hz/432Hz Music Sierpinski Triangle Tetrahedron binomial 256Hz/512Hz Music merkaba merkabah merkavah A=432 Hz dmt shamanism tantra brain-sex 8Hz/432Hz music 8 cycles per second ELF music Pascal Triangle 256Hz Circadian Heart Love 144BPM 72BPM 108BPM Spirit-432 Extraterrestrial Ultraterrestrial 432Hz Music Global Concert Global Song 432Hz Global Song A=432Hz Global Concert A=432Hz 432Hz/8Hz Compassion Compassionate Love Music Ananda Bosman New Age A=432 Hz Music Ananda-Emmanuel Ananda M Bosman Hadronic Physics & 8Hz Music Hadronic Mechanics 432Hz Music and 8Hz ETI ET 432Hz Contact Galactic Centre Music Global-Song-432 Global-Concert-432 La=432Hz F=432hz La=432 Hz La=432Hertz DJ Ananda-Emmanuel f=432 Hertz 432 four-three-two 512Hz 512 Hz 512Hertz 512 Hertz 256Hz 256 Hz 256Hertz 256 Hertz C=256hz C=256 Hz C=256Hertz C=256 Hertz C=512Hz C=512 Hz C=512Hertz C=512 Hertz 8 cycles per second 8Hertz 144 Beats Per Minute 72 Beats Per Minute 108 Beats Per Minute Omega432Hz AUMega432Hz AUMega432Hertz 432 tuning 432 musical tuning 432 Hertz Music tuning 432,000 4,320,000 4,320 A=432,000Hz A=432,000 Hz A=432,000Hertz A=432,000 Hertz music Ananda MJ Bosman Trance-432 Psytrance-432 Hertz Trance 432 Hertz 144Hz 144 Hz 144Hertz 144 Hertz Ø^2 36° 36Degrees 36 Degrees DNA Music Genetic Music DNA Tuning Music 432 Hertz DNA Sound DNA gometry Sierpinski Triangle music 72 pulse of the cosmos 72BPM cosmic heart beat 8 Hz = Hydrogen constant (universal) Universal Dances Global Song Global Concert Global Concert for ETI Contact Global Concert for Cosmic Contact Interdimensional Music Aetheric Music Healing Music Music that Heals Music for wellbeing Wellbeing Music Wellbeing Sounds Healing Sounds DNA Healing music ambient music ambient new age music new age healing mu Mike Jagger & 432Hz 432Hz 8Hz 432Hz Music Ananda Bosman Equal Tempering 432 Hz Scientific Pitch 432 Hz Tuning A=432 Hertz Vaccine Sacred Geometry of 432 Hz Tuning 432HZ: The New Tuning Standard 432 Hz Healing & Wellbeing ebola phase-cancel; UFO Justin Timberlake 432 Hz La=432 Herz La=432Hz Music L=432 Hz 432Hz ambient music 432Hz Psytrance music 432Hz meditation music Concerts of Cosmic Contact 432 Hertz trance music DMT 432Hz wellbeing 432 Hertz Healing 8Hz/432Hz Healing science 432Hz documentation 432Hz radio 432Hz musicians 432 Hz attuning your mind Pythagorean Tuning 432 Hertz DNA Music 8/432Hz Pineal Gland music 8Hz & 432Hz Music sic trance music melodic trance symphonic trance symphonic melodic trance Boom-432 BoOm 432 Hertz Goa Trance432 Hz 432hz 432Hz A=432 Hz A=432 Hz Music
Summar Articles on the 8Hz/432Hz AUMega Music Revolution: The 1st Popular/Electronic Music to Tune to 432Hz (1998); Use Circadian Tempo’s like 72/144Bpm; UFOM: Unified Field Overall Mastering, the Sacred Numbers of Sacred Geometry & State of the Art Physics. & 8Hz Throughout Its Compositions. Why “AUM” in AUMega? Read here the 2000/2001AD 432Hz Article That Began it All
8Hz & 432 Hz • A=432Hz • A 432Hz Music