In 1998 Ananda Bosman founded a completely new musical revolution.
Producing the first popular music compositions of modern history in 432Hz tuning — “The AUMega Music Revolution”, a magical combination of:
432Hz harmonic equal tempering tuning (full 12 octave scale of harmonic music),
8Hz frequencies of alpha-wave maximum creativity,
BPM harmonic tempos of the circadian system itself, &
UFOM: Unified Field Overall Mastering... Golden sacred numbers & ratios on every level of mastering, instruments, effects, & programming.
Ananda's musical compositions use the harmonic ratios of sacred geometry like the golden mean (Ø), and the Sierpinski pentahedron, to compose an entirely new plateau of electronic music, that is also groovy and VERY danceable in the mainstream music world, with a growing “cultural following”.
The unique combination of ingredients in Ananda’s compositions produces remarkable shifts in health measurements. Neutralising effects from damaging radiation by the extraordinary protective properties in strengthening the overall biological system that AUMega Music exhibits. Results to be published.
HYPERDIMENSIONAL GROOVIN': The composition’s utilise transcendental harmonics, 14 with transcient series tuning: True Interdimensional Music!
The principles of common harmonic tuning & compatible harmonic tempos in multiple concerts will enable global concerts to be linked through the internet & other communication technologies, into what Ananda terms The Global Song-432Hz. Utilising these harmonic properties, such global cultural events will enable the musical arts to expand into a new medium of experience, where the artistic vision can realise a cultural attempt to make contact with the cosmos.